Teacher Training
Currently SMAI offers Cello, Guitar, Piano, SECE, and Violin Teacher training in Indonesia. Every Suzuki book is one course of study. Book 1 is 42 hours and all other books are 30 hours over five days. The first step to begin training is to understand the Suzuki philosophy. Candidates should read ‘Nurtured by Love’ by Shinichi Suzuki, and enroll to a six hours lectures of Where Love is Deep (WLID) course, and when possible observe Suzuki group classes, and lessons. WLID course is open to anyone interested who interest in the Suzuki Method.
Teacher training courses provide the following content:
1. Intensive individual study of the instrument, focusing on the technique, tone production and sound needed to teach young children. Candidates should have the ability to play competently outside the repertoire. (Total of training hours is depend on the training book level).
2. Step-by-step mastery of teaching points in the repertoire and of the psychology of teaching.
3. Structure of individual and group lessons.
4. Observation of group and individual lessons given by recognized Suzuki teachers.
5. Supervised teaching of children.
6. Lectures and discussions on child development, with particular regard to the parent or child relationship.
7. Solo performance.
8. Discussions.
An Audition is required to be accepted in training. Participants should be at least at a Suzuki Book 4 (or performance level to embark on training. Please see the training manual for audition information. Participants are required to complete all hours of the coursework without absence (100% attendance) to receive a Certificate of Participation, and continue to the next level of training. Courses need to be taken in consecutive order. A candidate may wish to become certified in a level (one level is one book). Examinations for ARSA Teacher Certification are scheduled after the candidate has successfully submitted a recording of all the pieces performed by the candidate by memory of the book being studied and of his/ her students performing the pieces by memory. Please see the training manual for more details about certification. Inquiries about teacher training in Indonesia can be directed to: suzuki.indonesia@gmail.com; Subject: Teacher Training Inquiry (Instrument)
Click here to read and download
ARSA Teacher Training Manual (Oct 2021 Rev.)